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Literally translated as deliberately aggressive and provoking steep rugged rock, Aggro Crag is composed of three rock rebels: Sam, Andy and Calem. Guitar player Sam Soares and bassist Andy Trusty have known each other since middle school but were reunited thanks to a Craigslist musicians ad. Drummer Calem Cowell also found the band off Craigslist. We think it needs to be renamed cragslist!

We come from a town called Oceanside on the north outskirts of San Diego, CA. Since our first jam session at what is now called the "Aggro Complex" , there was an unspoken acceptance of the gritty-classic-magnetic-energy sound that resounded through the walls on that fateful night on September 7, 2012.

The Aggro Crag is the final obstacle in the 90s competition based Nickelodeon show: Guts. Contestants climb up the mountain knowing of its test of endurance filled with hardships. It's a long way to the top, but the prize is worth it... the band feels the same way. Experience Aggro Crag for yourself...if you dare.

Father + OK Singer + Attentive Bassist + Former Home Depot Manager + Tattoo fiend + Aggro skater + Bong master + Royal Promoter + Home owner + Mama's Boy + Bad-ass Poser + Powerful enemy = Andy

Faithful man + Friend + Young Professional + Entrepreneur + Introverted extrovert + Motorcycle warrior + Soul surfer + Excellent guitarist + Passionate Lover + Midnight toker+ Drunk off life = Sam

Student + Honorable Marine + Viking + Pomade enthusiast + Excellent Drummer + Band Geek + VIP + Tattoo fiend + Bearded Man + Vegetarian + Knowledgeable Linguist = Calem

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